How do I increase my deposit limit?
HardBlock users start off with a $2,000 per 23-hour deposit limit.
If you would like to increase this limit, please contact
If your account has a history (over a month old) and is in good standing, we may increase your daily limit to $10,000 AUD. We might also ask you to provide us with a selfie. Learn how to provide us with a proper selfie.
Be aware that if you exceed your deposit limit, the whole deposited amount will be blocked and flagged for manual review. Bitcoin withdrawals from your HardBlock account will also be paused during this review period. Bitcoin will still be in your account, and you can still exchange it for, and withdraw, AUD.
A table below is for your better understanding of how deposit limits work at HardBlock:
Day and time | Deposit amount (AUD) | Daily limit (AUD) |
Monday 10:00 | No deposits yet | 2,000 |
Monday 11:00 | 1,000 | 1,000 |
Tuesday 06:00 | 1,000 | 0 |
Tuesday 10:00 | - | 1,000 |
Wednesday 01:00 | - | 1,000 |
Wednesday 05:00 | - | 2,000 |
Wednesday 05:05 | 1,200 | 800 |
Wednesday 13:00 | 1,000 | 800, and your $1,000 will be blocked until our manual check & confirmation |
Wednesday 13:05 | 700 | 100 ($700 will be credited to your HardBlock account and available for exchange) |
Wednesday 19:00 | We confirm your blocked $1,000 deposit | 0 (at this point none of your funds are blocked) |
Thursday 04:05 | - | 300 |
Thursday 12:05 | 2,000 | 0 |
Thursday 14:00 | We increase your daily limit to $10,000. As a result, you can deposit only 8,000 more until your limit resets on Friday 11:05 |