Signing up with HardBlock Australian Bitcoin Exchange
- Register an account.
- Using the orange Sign Up button on our homepage, enter your email and the password you would like to use for HardBlock.
- Verify your email.
- You will now receive an email with a code that should be entered in order to verify your account.
You cannot proceed until you verify your email.
- You will now receive an email with a code that should be entered in order to verify your account.
- Verify your identity using Digital lD.
Digital ID is an ID verification service run securely by Australia Post.
Press "Verify with Digital ID" button:
- What documents can I use to verify my identity?
- To complete the Digital ID verification process, you must verify two forms of identification which can be a:
- Australian Passport
- Foreign Passport with valid Australian Visa
- Drivers License
- Medicare Card
- Proof of Age
- To complete the Digital ID verification process, you must verify two forms of identification which can be a:
- How long will it take to get verified?
- Verifying with Digital ID will take a few minutes if you have your documents ready.
and make sure to choose "New to Digital iD":
- At this step you will get access to your HardBlock account.
- Verify your phone number (to make your first AUD deposit)
- Follow the prompts to verify your phone number with the code sent to your phone by SMS.
- Make a deposit of Australian dollars, any amount is fine, you can start with as little as a dollar (look for Fund Deposit on the menu).
- This step is to create a link between your bank account and your HardBlock account, but you can deposit up to $2000 every 24 hours and exchange it for Bitcoin.
- One of our team members will call you to verify details about your deposit. This takes only a couple of minutes. If you're unable to take the call, we'll send you an email where you can schedule a call with us when you're available.
- We reserve the right to not verify accounts. See our Terms of Service here for more details,
- Your account set up will be complete four days after your first deposit of Australian dollars.
- This rigorous process is required to ensure we comply with AUSTRAC regulations.
- Your account set up is now complete. You can now withdraw Bitcoin from your HardBlock account to your Bitcoin wallet.
If you ever have any questions, we're here to help: